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Stronger, Healthier, Happier Together

Dec 23, 20244 min read
Should I be taking weight loss medication?
Something has surprised me in my most recent health and wellbeing coaching venture, here in a medical centre in the south of New Zealand,...
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Dec 20, 20245 min read
DIETS DON'T WORK - I know it's hard to hear but please read this as we head into the new year.
When you are promised quick or even lasting results from a diet this new year, for both your physical and mental health, I need you to...
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Dec 4, 20244 min read
Looking after YOU as a busy Mum
Something I talk about with many of you gorgeous Mum’s out there is prioritising your self-care, for many, I understand, the beginning of...
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Sep 5, 20243 min read
Creatine and Cancer - Is It Safe?
It seems that my creatine post was quite a hit with you ladies with many of you telling me about your experiences with creatine, asking...
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Sep 4, 20244 min read
Hunger raging when your period strikes? You are not alone! Let me help you.
It’s just as well going every month experiencing ravaging hunger and accepting it as ‘hormonal’ but there comes a time where we might...
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Aug 29, 20246 min read
Lost your period or menstrual cycle irregular? Hypothalamic Amenorrhea Explained!
Initially for personal reasons but the research that I do now is for my own professional development with clients; I developed an...
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Aug 28, 20245 min read
Ladies, the one supplement I think we should all be taking.
Okay, okay, perhaps we should all be knocking back a vitamin D as well but that’s a conversation for another day.  Today we are talking...
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Jul 31, 20242 min read
Raynaud's - can your nutrition impact the condition?
A little something I have been reading the research on recently is the impact of gluten intake on Raynaud’s. For background, I live,...
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May 29, 20244 min read
Mid-afternoon slump wreaking havoc with your productivity? Energy levels just not how they used to be?Â
I know the feeling…all the coffee in the world still leaving you feeling like you need to nap at your desk when 2pm rolls around. Trouble...
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May 13, 20244 min read
Lion's Mane Mushrooms - worth the hype? Do they work?
There is an increasing amount of research around Lion’s mane mushrooms and their potential health benefits for us so today I wanted to...
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May 8, 20246 min read
Muscle building for women - want to get strong? These are the things you are missing!
The rise in women training to get strong over doing hours of cardio which we were led to believe once upon a time was the way, is nothing...
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Apr 30, 20244 min read
Best exercises during menopause?
I read somewhere last week, a coach explaining their thoughts on the fact that a bigger problem than things like unprocessed foods and...
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Apr 25, 20244 min read
Been diagnosed with high blood pressure? Perhaps you’re eating too much salt.
More and more people are going to their GP with a complaint totally unrelated and coming away with a high blood pressure diagnosis. In...
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Apr 18, 20243 min read
Never diet again? Here's how!
Okay so we’re making this the final blog on healthy and sustainable lifestyle change without hating yourself and the process, BUT this...
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Apr 10, 20245 min read
No more miserable diets – some tools for you to achieve your goals and still enjoy life!
Okay, so up to now we have spoken at length about how our relationships with food have been damaged by cultural messaging. Today I want...
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Apr 7, 20245 min read
Diets don’t work – why you need to stop dieting for good.
Okay, so here goes – I want to make a difference to YOU! I want to be different to all of the other health and fitness coaches that you...
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Apr 4, 20245 min read
Preoccupation with food? Always thinking about where your next meal or snack might come from? Restricting after a weekend ‘binge’?
Feel that you should or shouldn’t eat specific things? Have ‘fear’ foods that you have to stay away from so you try and try and try until...
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Mar 26, 20246 min read
Menopause brain? Forgetting what you went up the stairs for? Can’t concentrate for more than 30 seconds?
Now today I hope, very much that we aren’t going to cover any crazy new ground. We are, of course, going to talk a little about brain fog...
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Mar 26, 20246 min read
Menopause hot flushes causing embarrassment just about every day? Confused about supplements? This one is for you.
As promised today lovely ladies, before we have a quick chat about supplements, I wanted to talk about nutrition and physical activity...
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Mar 25, 20246 min read
Menopausal – why can’t I sleep?
Alright, I know you’re tired, actually pretty exhausted from work, running a home…and the rest, so you go to bed but you can’t sleep?!...
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