As we all know too well, the reality is that we actually have to be pretty fit and well to be able to withstand cancer treatment – that’s why I do what I do in terms of prehabilitation and rehabilitation of those living with, or in remission from, cancer.
Many people in our initial phone calls tell me how well they feel before their treatment begins, it is the side effects of the necessary treatment that is often the kicker.
We also know that often, the reason for hospital admissions during cancer treatment are due to decline in physical function – another reason that if we can help you to maintain that functionality then we can prevent hospital stays which, despite the hard work of staff, are not the most pleasant experiences in the world – after all there is nothing like your own bed and it isn’t exactly 5*.
There is increasing research in the world of cancer and physical activity and this week I have specifically been reading about the benefits of mobility programmes – something, of course, I see the benefits of firsthand but I always like to base my knowledge around scientific evidence so I found myself reading research papers.
Unsurprisingly the research is showing us clearly that the implementation of a mobility programme before, during and after treatment results in a significant positive impact on the functionality of individuals.
This will, as above, decrease admissions to hospital but also mobility and functionality from day to day – that is, how easily we are able to continue to move around and perform daily tasks.
Some patients experience just short-term deterioration in their functionality during treatment but there are others that perhaps aren’t so lucky, especially those that undergo surgery of any kind which often renders the effects longer term.
If we can mobilise those bodies, keep them loose, work through full ranges of motion and work through all of the functional movements that we know that we use from day to day we will ensure that we are able to get in and out of bed, up and down off chairs, dress ourselves, reach high onto shelves and drive long into our lives.
We know that a loss of mobility and functionality will, in turn, lead to a loss of our independence and therefore confidence and sense of self so let’s hold onto what is ‘normal’ for you for as long as we can, let’s minimize the discomfort at this time and let’s keep you feeling just like you!
Peace and love as always, A x